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Sand Angel Shindig I: Precipice of the Regenaissance

Sand Angel Shindigs are private, themed shindigs of intentional culture in the San Luis Valley. They are multi-zoned, featuring immersive art and uplifting musical artists and DJs. Held each year on Treetable’s land regeneration project.

Sand Angels values

Connectedness, community, change, ridiculousness, surprise, self-expression and regeneration

“Don’t be satisfied with stories; how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth”- Rumi


Line Up

We don’t announce our line up… ever.

Intentional + Consent Culture

Our events are intentional - we are here as an alternative to the binge culture of the mainstream. Do take care of yourself and each another as taxis will be called by our friendly security team for those that cannot look after themselves. If you see someone that needs help or doesn’t look okay, reach out.

With you, we are co-creating a culture where everyone feels safe and respected. If you’re not sure about whether what you’re doing is okay, just ask. Be aware of the people around you and think about how you might feel if you were them. Sometimes people don’t want to hug you, don’t want pictures taken of themselves, or don’t want you all up in their personal space. If someone says “no” it means "no". If it's not a "Fuck yes!" it's not a "yes".

Much <3


Code of Conduct

  • Be aware of phone use - we encourage presence and phones off.
  • Leave no trace. Keep track of your personal things. Remove your rubbish.
  • Only message core crew if urgent - we are run off our feet <3

Code of Conduct Document

Health and Safety



The celebration takes place on land that used to be some of the most agriculturally productive land in Colorado but due to industrialized agriculture, has become highly degraded. Water still remains only a couple of feet below the surface as the land is situated on top of one of the biggest aquifers in the USA. With views of the Great Sand Dunes as well as the Sangre De Cristo mountains, antelopes, coyotes and many other high mountain creatures call this place home. With the resources gathered by the celebration we support everyone who made the celebration possible as well as the land the celebration is on. Regenerating the land the celebration is on, so that more humans, plants and animals can find a place to call home. Enabling a deeper sense of connection and love for the interconnectedness of everything.

Play Music

Fill out our form and we will be in touch

If budget allows we will be distributing art grants, we will update this closer to the date of the event if that is the case.

Contribute (art, games, sustainability, etc.)

Everyone buys a ticket to Sand Angels Shindig, even core crew. If you’d still like to contribute, we highly appreciate you! Please fill out this form.

If budget allows we will be distributing art grants, we will update this closer to the date of the event if that is the case.


After you fill out a questionnaire. Data gathered will be used later to assign your faction. https://tally.so/r/m6KPDN

What to Bring

We don’t have bag or coat checks, and it is a one way door, so please bring everything you will need.

  • Ticket (QR code ready for scanning)
  • Costume
  • Warm extra clothes for entry and exit
  • Shoes suitable
  • Earplugs
  • Your own closed vessel / drink bottle (we won't be providing cups)
  • Any beverages you may like to drink in your closed vessel (alcohol in the bar zone only)
  • Bag to take away your rubbish
  • Do not bring glass
  • Not glitter
  • Your magical silly self
  • Don’t forget to bring a towel!

Theme, Faction and Costumes


Inspirational Content

These are some of the things that inspired Sand Angel Shindig. Note that none of these explicitly set our ethics, rules, morals, principles - we define those separately ourselves.




Contact Us

Ask someone else who is going first.

If you can't get info…

  1. Get us at - [email protected]

What Happens if Event Gets Cancelled

In the event of a cancellation the Sand Angel Shindig will be offering refunds/or a confirmed ticket for the next event.

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